The GTA Blog @ Penrose Library

This is the true story of a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Penrose Library, University of Denver.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cryptic notes on Google Scholar!

Poll: majors

GS emphasis on science/social science/education/humanities

Poll: on or off campus?

Preference settings

Library Links (DU, openworldcat)

Number of Results (100)

Bibliography Manager (refworks)

Search: Elephants

Parts of Citation

For Fulltext, click on U of D link, not title.

Group of #-Duplicates, one might have fulltext if 1st does not

Poll: Article linker?

Article linker

Download Article



(Journal Background)

(Journal Impact)

Cited By

(Import to refworks-to article linker)

(Library Search-to openworldcat to catalog)

Recent articles

Author Search

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Crime and Justice Wiki

Here's a proof of concept for a crime and justice section of a wiki on government information, Chris Brown and Marissa Wood contributed massive chunks of information to this site, which I set up thanks to the plug-and-play ease of I tossed in the sections on legislative sources and military law sites.

You can view it here:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


The Googleboooks project continues at a crawl, which is to be expected, but I will be starting to write an article about it with Chris Brown, and hopefully get it finished by June!

He and a practicum student are doing a similar project with NASA documents (setting up excel files with automatically generated URL's by OCLC or SUDOC numbers and then copying in the exact URL to be imported into MARC records). It looks like the NASA materials are getting much higher return rates at about 60% as opposed to Googlebooks, which is still hovering in the 20-23% range. That being said, I am quite happy with the turnout.

Microsoft now has their book search, which has beautiful PDF's (unlike Google) but it is a bit of a mess because they are identified by title, which makes automatically generated URL searching a little sketchy at best.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Peanut Butter

Since Chris and I finished up developing the GREP scripts to put Google Books URLs into MARC records using NoteTab Pro, I have moved on to putting up a wiki.

I think this is going to eventually be part of a larger wiki, so I've used the same wikiware as the original project. It's called Peanut Butter, implying it is as easy to use as it is to make a peanut butter sandwich, which I am inclined to believe!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Meebo @ Penrose

There is now an "official" chat site at DU. It is somewhat buried, and has to be OK'ed by the reference staff and formalized by the IT department, but it's there!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Chat Mock-up

I've put together a mock up of the Meebo Chat for Penrose Library, you can see it at:

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

steady as she goes...

I am now ou ton the reference desk for two shifts a week, which is exciting, but even more exciting, after figuring that google books has about 20% duplication of our pre-1923 monographs, Chris has devised a way using excel and GREP to speed up the process (as opposed to plugging through zotero) and prepare the URLs to be dumped into the MARC records.

Overall, google book is pretty good, except for the fact that they use the same OCLC number to describe multiple editions, and after a number of click-throughs, they repeatedly ask you to type in those messed-up words to make sure you're not a hacker. Their map/book mash-up looks to be promising as well.